Request an Appointment

Someone from our team will call you within 1-2 business days. The first step is to schedule a 60 minute initial appointment to:

  • Give you the opportunity to meet with one of our clinicians to share in more detail your current concerns
  • Receive recommendations for next steps which may include seeking intervention at Sprouted Sage and/or an evaluation or treatment at Sunfield Center our affiliated mental health center.
  • Receive information about resources outside of our centers to address your needs

Families find this initial appointment helpful as they are able to meet with a professional right away and determine next steps.

If this is an emergency, please call 911 or visit your nearest emergency room.

Our clinicians are credentialed with BCBS and BCN including the University of Michigan's Premier Care. Please check the box that best represents your insurance coverage:

Sprouted Sage

3940 Ranchero Drive, Suite 100
Ann Arbor, MI 48108

Phone: (734) 929-4596

Fax: (866) 728-9846